Back in February I tried contacting the two ghost tour companies, one from Annie Wiggins and the other from the DeSoto House. I was able to email the Annie Wiggins Ghost tours so they got back right away and here was their response: "They will need to book the regular ghost tour. That calendar will not be set up till about July" Lame! As for the DeSoto House one, they only did phone contact which means I didn't in touch with them as I was not in the mood to do phone stuff. Considering such, I emailed Dena from Stoney Creek to see if she had a good way of contacting them via email but also she could provided me with the phone number for Steve, which was the same number she wrote down on the phamphet she gave me over the summer when she visited her. Needless to say, I finally made the call on Monday and left a voice mail for him to call me back. Due to my wonderful busy week, we played phone tag as he was very eager to get back to me. Once we actually talked, he said that dependent upon how many interested, we could either blend in with the normal tour as he takes up to 30 or we could book a private one. Either way, the tours would be $10.00 a person.
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