Sunday, February 26, 2012


Totally woke up from a DIY's wedding nightmare: Our reverend never showed up and we couldn't get a hold of him, we forgot a box of items for the reception at home which was 3 hours away, we had no plates for people to eat their food, and some couples didn't read their invites and brought their kids so the hall wouldn't allow them in...argh none of this better happen or I will totally be having panic attacks... 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Post Office Bar Codes

So it has been brought to my attention that the wonderful Post Office not only scratched out my Stamps, but they also put a mailing bar code over the bottom of the Save Our Date post cards which covered the part which said: "For details about the itinerary of our unique Wedding Weekend Getaway in Galena, visit" So annoying; now many do not know to come here - sniffle sniffle! Guess I should have Goggled how to make a post card because it shows that they will print a bar code at the bottom and since a portion of my post cards were black, the had to print them out on stickers and place them over the bottom so that it could be scanned - opps!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Scavenger Hunt

While eating wonderful food at the AFT Union Dinner/Meeting tomight, Laura and I came up with the different items to look for while completing the Digital Galena Photo Scavenger hunt. We also did temporary Westfield Stadd seating assignments too!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Mr. Postman...

My homemade 'Save Our Date' postcards were finally all printed and stamped today - they get mailed out tomorrow on Valentines Day - Ohhhh so sweet! Lets hope I got everyone's address right. If you do not get one, message me your address to confirm I sent it to the correct place!

Please note that if the printing of your postcard isn't perfect, blame my printer because it did not always grab the paper in the same exact spot - totally annoying and it drove my anal retentiveness nuts but there was only so much I could do. Also, the non-matching Ahola stamps were the only stamp option they had available for postcards....

Sunday, February 12, 2012

7 Months

As of today, Christopher and I will be getting married in 7th months. This means we need to get into action so we worked on the final invite list to send out our 'Save the Dates' which are done, just need to be re-printed (Chris requests harder paper), addressed and stamped. I also emailed Dena at Stoney Creek for some updates, emailed Galena Brewery about our Brew Tour, the 2 different Ghost Tour places, and the Alpine Slide to see what they all thought about our 'events' for the weekend. Now onto still looking for a dress and all that other stuff....

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Katie Kirkpatrick

The story of Katie

Wedding Dream #2

Cannot remember all the details but it basically dealt with the fact that I had brought my dress over to some huge family gathering that had lots of house space, that was messy, but also lots of nice land. Somehow after trying on my dress to show people, we were convinced to just get married right there and then so we did. I recall though getting mad because my camera died and no one else was taking pictures. Later I recall finding a camera however I had lost my dress admits the mess when I changed into comfy clothes. Some of the guests that were there were people I had not talked to in years, i.e. people in college art classes. It was weird...and that is about all I remember of it