Chris proposed on April 29th 2011 and the thought of planning our wedding gives me extreme anxiety thus the need to document my journey as you all can bet that I will only ever do this once! Hopefully someday I will look back on all of this stress and laugh; hmm how ironic as I posted that same thought on Facebook the night before he proposed...
Saturday, April 30, 2011

For all of those who know me, I have never wanted to have a huge wedding; I am too cheap and too anal retentive. All I want is a black and white party, oh and some engagement photos... I should start messaging my 'contacts' - let the planning begin!
Friday, April 29, 2011

Today was an odd schedule at school due to the Music Man Jr. play/assembly as well as the Showcase 'Catch Up' work period. Considering such, at that time, it was 3rd period and I was starting to teach my 8th graders how to glaze their wheel thrown clay pots. About 5 mins into the class, about 25 8th graders walk into my room with laptops; they were from Paul's room and needed help with GIMP since Paul was not here when I taught it. Paranoia set it; how was I to teach two classes at once? Needless to say, two parapros, Steve and ---, were in the hallway and offered to take over my clay kids while I took Paul's kids into the commons with their laptops.
While explaining what to do, I notice Laurie walking down the hallway with who I thought was Nick; I went back to work with the kids. Seconds later I realize it is Chris; I go up to him, mind you he is holding a bouqet of red roses, and ask why he is not at work. He tells me he wanted to give me the flowers. I walk away and go back to work with the students, somewhat ignoring him. He tells me that there is a surprise in my room; I disagree with him explaining that I just came from my room so I would have seen it if there was. He insists there is; I reluctantly walk back my classroom, put the roses on the counter, glance around and then shout 'No there is not' and start to head back into the commons when I see Chris, in front of the 8th graders with Laptops, down on one knee, ring in hand, with a shirt that says 'Will you marry me?' I blush, walk up to him, hug him smiling, and then he asks 'So...?!?!' and I respond 'Oh yeah, Yes'.

Chris leaves and a few minutes later the class ends; I have a free period so I start going around spreading the news; I cannot focus on anything else however the day must go on. Before going back to teach, I do stop and ask if we can try and find the proposal on the school video cameras since it happened in the commons. Throughout the day, kids and teachers still stop in to say congrats and see the ring. I still am absorbing it all. Reality sets in while sitting and watching the play later that afternoon as I kept feeling the ring on my finger. This was really happening.
Before school gets out, Greg brings me a flash drive with what was caught on camera; it is hard to see but we got it. After school we head over to the District's Spring Fling. The news was buzzing and later Dr. Perkin's even announced it everyone when I went up to receive a prize. I felt like a million bucks!
The exciting day eventually came to an end however I did get to spread the word to friends as later that I night as headed out for Lana and Tuche's birthday at On The Rocks .
I would post the video, however I was given instructions not to due to the fact that there are students in there and it would violate our school's privacy code. Here are pictures however, with the student's faces blurred out.
Now that Chris has proposed, this means we have to get married hence the start of this blog and the documentation of all things that go along with planning a wedding! I feel the need to document it so that someday I can look back and remember it all...
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